Monday, June 4, 2012

Visitors swarm Rocky Shores opening at Salt Lake City’s Hogle Zoo

Hundreds waited in a caravan of strollers, some with children on their shoulders, as Hogle Zoo Friday morning opened its much-anticipated $18 million Rocky Shores exhibit.

Toddlers roared with frustration as they wiggled in the hot sun awaiting a chance to see bears, seals, otters and more just beyond the "ribbon" of rope and fishing net.

Rocky Shores is the zoo’s largest expansion project  ever in terms of size and funding. The exhibits mirror wildlife found on the West Coast stretching from  Oregon to Alaska. Creatures on display include a polar bear, grizzly bears, seals, sea lions, otters and eagles.

Funding for the facility came from a $33 million bond measure approved by Salt Lake County taxpayers and funds raised by the zoo.

After a few remarks Friday by Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker and other officials, the countdown began. The bridge opened, fountains bubbled and confetti rained down as children bolted toward the animals. Salt Lake Tribune