Tuesday, March 13, 2012

University of Utah to build new law school, revitalize campus’ western gateway

The University of Utah’s southwest corner is a major campus entryway, where thousands enter and exit the school every day by foot, rail, car and bicycle. But little effort has gone into designing an inviting public space here.

Until now.

The University of Utah is moving forward with a plan to build a new $60.5 million home for its law school. Officials have done extensive programming for the project, but they still need to raise the money and design the 155,000-square-foot building. An architect will be chosen in the coming months. The school’s three existing structures lining University Avenue will be razed, and a campus gateway will be developed at the corner with South Campus Drive. Groundbreaking is slated for May 2013, and the building should be ready for students by 2014-15 school year. Salt Lake Tribune